Turkey Track Ranch
Property Information
Price: $2,250,000
Size: 2,575.5 +/- Total Acres
Location: Williams, CA
Zoning: The Ranch is zoned General Agriculture and is currently enrolled under a Williamson Act Contract. Minimum lot size in the Williamson Act is 80 acres in Colusa County.
Soils: The Ranch is predominately Millsholm-Rocky Loam, Class VII soil.
Water: Details Here
Typography: The Ranch is fairly open with elevations ranging from 1,000 feet along Highway 16 to 2,000 at the top of the ridge.
Water The Ranch contains several ponds and has a couple seasonal streams that run through the winter and spring.
Improvements: The Ranch has perimeter fencing and several dirt roads that provide access through the property. There is a year round gravel road which provides access to the secluded hunting lodge 1.5 miles from Highway 16 back towards the middle of the ranch. The Lodge is 630 sq. ft. +- consisting of a living room, kitchen, single bedroom, and single bathroom. In addition, there is a 364 sq. ft +- bunkhouse with a bathroom. There are two reservoirs on the ranch that are stocked with Bass, one is 2 acres in size and the other is 4 acres in size.
Hunting: The Ranch has excellent Deer, Pig, Turkey, Dove, and varmint hunting.
Comments: This is a working cattle ranch providing winter grazing for the herd. Tule Elk are in the area and occasionally are on the property. There is a draft RMEF conservation easement to protect Tule Elk on the property that potentially could offset costs on the ranch.
Aerial View of the Property:
The above information was obtained from sources deemed reliable. Land X Real Estate, Inc. does not assume responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. A prospective buyer should verify all data to their own satisfaction and seek the advice of legal counsel on issues such as water rights, leases, tax consequences, zoning, etc. Buyer is to rely solely on his/her independent due diligence as to the feasibility of the property for their own purposes. Maps included in this brochure are for general information only, and while believed to be substantially accurate, are not of survey or expert quality. Property is subject to prior sale, price change, correction, or withdrawal from the market without notice.